• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: katherinyadira
  • hace 9 años

necesito un dialogo en ingles con los verbos irregulares y con was y were


Respuesta dada por: 12shuri83
A: Hi, what yo did last weekend?B: Hello my friend, i was at the park with my family, they were playing with the dog, still i was reading a new bookA: That's sounds amazing. B: Yes it is, and what you did?A: well, I was at my house doing my homework, my teacher is very strict. My mother and my father were talking about me, they said i need a tutor.B:Wow, it isn't a good news for you, I'm sorry friend, but i have to go.A: Don't worry, see you tomorrowB: Good luck with the tutor, see you later.

katherinyadira: graciass!!
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