• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hola971
  • hace 9 años

resumen de in search of a missing friend


Respuesta dada por: fannybgm
It’s a horrible (beautiful), rainy (sunny) day in London. The twins are in the garden. Harry is mending his dad’s (his) bicycle and Camilla is busy with her favourite hobby, listening to music (painting). ‘Finished! Now my bike is ready. Camilla, let’s go for a ride! Camilla! Camilla! Why are you so happy (angry)? What’s wrong?’ ‘Look! They can’t sit still for one second! Now look what’s happened!’ Suddenly, they hear a telephone (bell) ringing. They look to see where it’s coming from. They see some cars (bikes) coming down the road. They’re not (They’re) in a hurry. ‘Look! That’s my (Wills’) side-bike’, says Harry. ‘And he’s not pedalling!’ replies Camilla, ‘Strange, very strange!’
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