• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Armylam
  • hace 9 años

Escribir un dialogo de 14 lineas. Que sea como una converzacion uno habla y el otro responde deve llevar el saludo al principio y la despedida al final. Deve ser mas o menos como este Ejemplo:

1) -Hello, My name is________I am a new student
     -Hello, My name is_______ welcome to our school.
2) -You like our English teacher.
    -Really. Well, he is very nice person and great teacher.
3) -Good. Did you learn a lot of English last year?
    -Yes, I learned a lot of English.
4) -Tell me about is, please!
    -Well, we talked about differnt tapestry.
5) -Do you remember one of them?
    -Yes, we talked about music, history, etc.
6) -Was it boring?
    "No, it wasn't, It was fun.
7) -Well, see you in class then.
    -Ok, bye see you later.

Si es facil de aprender mucho mejor ya que lo tengo que memorizar Gracias


Respuesta dada por: VaNee7Rain
kitty is going to have lunch in a restaurant
Read the following dialogue carefull to see how kitty orders her food:
(dialogo entre un mesero y un cliente)

WAITER:hello. Can I help lunch

KITTY: tes. I'd like  to have lunch

WAITER: woul you like to have a starter?

KITTY: yes , I'd like to have a bowl of chicken soup,please.

WAITER: and what woud you like to have for the main course?

KITTY: yes, I'd like to have a glas of coke.

WAITER: can I bring you anything else?

KITTY: no thank you .but I'd like to have the bill,please.

WAITER: certainly

(after a moment)

WAITER:: that's  $34(money)

KITTY: here you are. Thank you very much .

WAITER: you're welcome have a nice day

KITTY:Thank you , same to you.

Espero que te sirva y puedes cambiar los nombres .
este era una dialogo entre mesero y cliente .
Respuesta dada por: aveigabruno2013


porque es eso en inglés xd



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