• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ahinoaleonor
  • hace 3 años

1. I have ____________ that T-shirt for years. It ́s been my favourite
a) Had b) having c) has
2. My parents have _______________ in that house since 2012
a) Lives b) Lived c) Living
3. My brother has _____________ some extreme sports for ages
a) Done b) Doing. c) do
4. Andrea has _________________ at the Santa Emilia School since 2017
a) Be b) been. c) being
5. We have never _____________ frogs ́ legs before
a) Ate b) eaten c)eat
6. Ariel ___________ already finished his project
a) Had b) has c) have


Respuesta dada por: JuliCorvaCorazon


1- resp. a-had

2-resp. b-lived

3-resp. a-done

4-resp. b-been

5-resp. b-eaten

6-resp. b-Has

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