• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: shunshita
  • hace 9 años

necesito 15 oraciones en ingles con las palabra you ll probaly


Respuesta dada por: ashlyorrala

The film will probably do next week
The final exams will probably carry over into next month.
It will probably snow tomorrow.
Marcos entered the swimming course will probably in December
The walk where we will probably do it next Friday
I will probably do dinner at my house
Exposure of science we will probably tomorrow
Maria has a project in classes probably will do it in off hours
Espero que te facilite esta repuesta :D Dios te bendiga :)

Respuesta dada por: lau9115
1 you´ill probably play soccer tomorrow
2 well probably hang out tonight
3 ill probably travel around the world
4 theyll probably saty at home
5 shell probably be the best in her class
6 hell probably be the best football player 
7 ill probably be a model
8 well probably be the best PROM ever
9 ill probably estudy abroad
10 well probably be best friends forever
11 theyll probably study for the test
12 well probably past the test
13 shell probably go to the university
14 hell probably take me to London
15 they  probably wont study for the test

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