из центра окружности о к хорде аб проведён перпендикуляр Ос. Найдите длину хорды, если Ос=10см а угол ОВА= 45 градусам. ​

JosephM15: No halo taka taka


Respuesta dada por: ValeryCoarite2312200


que idioma es ese..............

JosephM15: ruso creo
kamila3782: Russian language
JosephM15: We don't speak russian, this is latinoamerican brainly, I think you can change the language in the low part of this page, sorry for the english, I only know a little.
JosephM15: I think the answer is 10 x square root of 2
kamila3782: thank very much for answer. I will change the country
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