• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dmv04
  • hace 3 años

12 Answer these questions about yourself. Use contractions where possible.
1. Are you from South America?
2. Are you on vacation?
3. Are you a student at a university?
4. Is your English class in the morning?
5. Is your teacher from England?
6. Is your first name popular?​


Respuesta dada por: sanchezquiroz272


Las respuestas son personales por eso dice about yourself ( sobre ti mismo)


1. Yes, i'm from south america

2. Not. I'm not on vacations yet.

3. Yes. i'm a student at a university.

4. Aqui no se si tu clase de ingles es en la mañana o en la tarde, si es en la mañana respondes: Yes, my english class it's in the morning, si es en la tarde responders Not, my english class i'ts in the afternoon.

5. si la teacher es de Inglaterra responde: Yes, my teacher is from here. si no es de Inglaterra respondes: Not, my english teacher is from USA o from Canada o del pais donde vivas.

6. Si tu nombre es muy conocido respondes, yes, my name is recognized around the world, si no, Not, My name is strange for some people.

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