• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camilalopez095
  • hace 3 años

Ayudaa, por favor. Utilizar can-can´t-could-couldn´t
I forgot the list. I _______ call the roll.
_______ you help him with the lesson?
I ___________ change the time for the appointment I am free.
I don´t want to carry the package. _________ you send it to me?


Respuesta dada por: gbbssv


I forgot the list. I can't call the roll.

Can you help him with the lesson?

I could change the time for the appointment I am free.

I don´t want to carry the package. can you send it to me?


no sé si está bien, pero te ayudo con lo que sé más o menos :(

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