• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: IsavelaLasaro
  • hace 3 años

Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

[ through / up / across / over / into ]

1 Mario dived _______________ the river.
2 I walked carefully _______________ the old wooden bridge.
3 We were driving _______________ the forest when we saw a wolf.
4 The thief jumped _______________ a wall and escaped.
5 The cat climbed _______________ a very tall tree.

tareacolegio543: Across
tareacolegio543: 1 across 4over 5up 2through 3into
IsavelaLasaro: No sabes cuanto me ayudas
IsavelaLasaro: Graciass :)
tareacolegio543: de nada


Respuesta dada por: tareacolegio543


1 across 4over 5up 2through 3into


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