• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tigrerogabriela61
  • hace 3 años

porfa ayuda convierte estas oraviones del present continuo a interrogativo
a) she is running on the beach
b) Maria and Lucia are exercising in the gym
c) he is eating healthy
d) the doctor is taking care of the patiensts
e) you are cooking vegetables


Respuesta dada por: abrildipa


a) Is she running on the beach?

b) Are Maria and Lucia exercising in the gym?

c) Is he eaing healthy?

d) Is the doctor taking care of the patients?

e) Are you cooking vegetables?

Espero te ayude! <3

Respuesta dada por: deleonkimberly10


is she running on the beach?

are María and Lucía exercising in the gym?

is he eating healthy?

is the doctor taking care of the patiensts?

are you cooking vegetables?


para las preguntas con el verbo tobe se pone al principio el tobe y luego solo copiar el resto de la oración, un ejemplo es is she running on the beach?

¿esta ella corriendo en la playa?

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