1. Analysis of the situation
Any strategy must start from an analysis of the current situation. We must do an "X-ray" of the business. This way we will have a global vision of what we have and of our competitive environment.
Questions such as: who are we? What do we do? What is our business process like? These are just some of the questions that this analysis should include.
Some tools to do this analysis are: SWOT, competitor analysis (benchmark), digital channel analysis, etc.
SWOT analysis. Digital Marketing Plan
2. Objectives
Once we are clear about the situation in which our business finds itself, we must continue with the second most important step of this methodology: defining the strategic objectives.
We recommend a system that helps us include all the topics that must carry objectives and not only focus on reaching sales and leads. We talk about the 5 S's system:
Sell (Sell): is perhaps the most important objective. Define what the sales goal of the business will be, both digitally and in store sales, if applicable.
Provides value (Serve): the website and digital actions carried out must be aimed at facilitating the user's experience with our product and / or service.
Speak (Speak): thanks to digital media we can have personalized communication with users 365 days a year. Customers and potential customers value very positively when a brand makes an effort to communicate with them when they need it.
Save (Save): Thanks to automation programs, CRM's, chatbot, self-administration managers, etc. streamlining the use of resources is becoming more and more possible.
Amplify (Sizzle): Sizzle refers to everything you do that contributes to your brand. Such as introducing new elements or communication channels. The idea is to add value to everything that is added to the product in a thoughtful way and that is positive for the user experience.
5 S's system for marketing plan
3. Strategies
When you define the objectives of your marketing plan, the next step is to define how you are going to achieve it. This is where what we know as the strategic plan begins.
It is important to have done the situation analysis of our business well because this will help us to make coherent and achievable strategies according to the state of our company. Each objective must have at least 1 strategy. Developing a table in which we specify the strategy to achieve each objective is a good way to organize it.
4. Tactics
Tactics are the actions of how we will achieve what is proposed in the strategies. For digital marketing we have grouped the tactics into 10 groups that we understand are the most relevant but which, depending on the type of business, may be less or even more:
Social media
Email marketing
Inbpund Marketing
Content Marketing
Display / RTB
5. Actions
This fifth phase focuses on the action plan. A good execution plan must be defined with timings, those responsible for carrying out each action and the necessary reports to evaluate the results. There are team coordination tools like Trello, Zoho Project, etc. that facilitate this type of management.
6. Control
Last phase but not least. At this stage we see if all the objectives are being met, see if the strategies and tactics defined were the right ones and if they should or should not be changed for the next plan to be developed.
We can establish quarterly controls or it depends on the business up to monthly thanks to digital means that allow us to verify the results of your actions live and make corrective decisions quickly.
In the ebook "Marketig Plan" that we have developed you will be able to know in detail each stage of this methodology that we try to summarize in this article. Do not wait any longer and download it now!