• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: david09hernan2008
  • hace 3 años

1. 1. Transforma las oraciones a modo negativo.

a) It will be warm tomorrow.

b) Sam will be in the office today.

c) I think John Brown will be glad to meet us this weekend.

d) Dinner will be ready at six o'clock tonight.

e) There will be some new students in the class.

la nececito ya plis


Respuesta dada por: mpz507815


a) It will not be warm tomorrow

b) Sam will not be in the office today

c) I think John Brown will not be glad to meet us this weekend.

d) Dinner will not be readi at six o'clock tonight.

e) There will not be some new students in the class


no se si estara bien unu

david09hernan2008: me salvaste la vida xd
mpz507815: denada <:
david09hernan2008: ayudame en esta tambien https://brainly.lat/tarea/37494618
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