• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: leon5001
  • hace 9 años

Hola que tal amigos disculpen talvez me podrian ayudar con esto GRACIAS..!!



Respuesta dada por: dd4516
1.if i get home late tonight,i will not eat.
2.if Tyrone won the lottery he,will be a rich man.
3.if Miguel catches a fish today,he will eat it.
4.Andre will buy a Porsche is she won the lottery.
5.if it will rain in the Sahara desert,everyone would be very surprised.
6.if it rains tonight we,will go to the cinema.
7.if you cat spoke,you will sell it to the circus.
8.if we play football on Saturday,i will be tired on Sunday.
9.you will became fat if you eat to much.
10.if i will you,i wouldn't accept that job.it sounds terrible!.

leon5001: muchas gracias ..!!
dd4516: de nada
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