• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marianasampedro02192
  • hace 3 años

1. Lee las conversaciones y luego escoge la opción correcta:
I. Gina: Karen, welcome back to Miami.
Karen: Thank you. I’m so excited!
Gina: How often do you come here?
Karen: I come here 1. _______ (una vez al año) on holidays. Do you usually stay here in
Gina: 2. _______ (a veces) I visit my grandmother in Australia
Karen: Cool. I think I will 3. _______ (nunca) go there. It’s very far
II. Customer: Good morning. Do you have caps?
Saleswoman: 4. _______ (normalmente) we have caps in this store, but not today. I’m sorry.
Maybe tomorrow
Customer: Too bad! I can only come here 5. _______ (mensualmente).
Saleswoman: We always send the products to your house if you buy online
Customer: Perfect. I’ll do it
III. Michael: How do you celebrate Christmas here?
Nick: We often make a big dinner. 6. _______ (cada año), we invite friends and relatives to eat
Michael: Awesome. In my country, we usually sing and dance
Nick: I 7. _______ (rara vez) dance. I only dance twice a year, on my birthday and New Year’s Eve
Michael: I dance every day. I love it
Nick: You should teach me
Michael: I have time 8. _______ (dos veces a la semana)
Nick: Excellent


Respuesta dada por: sgonzzaalleezz


1. once in a year.

2. sometimes.

3. never.

4, usually

5. mensually

6. Every year.

7. rarely

8. twice a week

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