• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sara12345635
  • hace 3 años

past simple: negative ayudaaaa​



Respuesta dada por: sweetcreature21


They didn't eat lunch at the cafeteria

My sister didn't play basketball with her friends

I didn't read newspaper on the rain

I didn't feel sick, so I didn't see a doctor

Thomas didn't have a good time at the party

Susan didn't like the movie

I didn't see you at the shopping mall on Saturday

My wife didn't buy a new hat this morning


Solo agregas el didn't antes del verbo que ya estaba en la oración en pasado y al momento de volver a poner el verbo en la oración debe de estar en presente, ya que did esta en pasado del verbo do.

sara12345635: Gracias
sweetcreature21: denada uwu
sweetcreature21: me podrías poner coronita y calificarme porfi
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