• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yuyisuleima57
  • hace 3 años

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjective in brackets

(1.8 points)

Example: My new boss is more patient than the old one. (patient)

a. Pollution is__________ in cities than it is in the country. (bad)

b. We aren't in a hurry. You can drive__________. (slowly)

c. The summers here are __________than they were in the past, (hot)

d. I failed the test. I’ll l work __________ next time, (hard)

e. It's __________ to my parents'house than it is to my boyfriend's, (far)

f. You can make the dinner tonight. You cook __________ than me. (good)

g. The Japanese diet is__________ than the American diet. (healthy)

h. A motorbike is __________than a car. (dangerous)

i. Heathrow airport is __________than Manchester airport. (busy)

porfavor ayuda


Respuesta dada por: chelsylabao


a) worse

b) slower

c) hotter

d) harder

e) further

f) better

g) healthier

h) more dangerous

i) busier


Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

Los comparativos se utilizan para demostrar las diferencia o similitudes entre dos objetos.


  • Adjetivo (er) + than
  • more + adjetivo + than

Si el adjetivo es de una sílaba se le agrega el sufijo "er" en cambio si es de dos o más sílabas se coloca la palabra "more" antes del adjetivo.

a. Pollution is worse in cities than it is in the country.

b. We aren't in a hurry. You can drive more slowly.

c. The summers here are hotter than they were in the past.

d. I failed the test. I’ll l work harder next time.

e. It's farther to my parents' house than it is to my boyfriend's.

f. You can make the dinner tonight. You cook better than me.

g. The Japanese diet is healthier than the American diet.

h. A motorbike is more dangerous than a car.

i. Heathrow airport is busier than Manchester airport.

Puedes ver más comparativos aquí https://brainly.lat/tarea/56501192

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