• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: oscardidier151
  • hace 9 años

necesito ayuda por favor con esta tarea esta tarea es urgente por favor ayudenmen complete the sentences 1) he ____ very tired, he is falling asleep a) are b) is c)in d) am 2) I am going to ____ a shower a) make b)wash c) take d) do 3) I can't believe you went to school ____ a) with your feet b) on foot c) by feet d) with walking 4) he is not a doctor, ____? a ) is him b) does he c) he is d)is he 5) what ___ those people doing? a) is b) all c) are d)some 6) I am very _____, I can eat a cow a) thirsty b) hungry c) tired d) cold 7) united states is a beautiful ____ a) city b) town c) continent d) country 8) he ____ got a nice house a) have b) has c) is d) - 9) when ____ you go on a vacations? tomorrow. a) do b) did c) are d) will 10 how ____ apples have you eaten? I have had three a) big b) many c) much d)quantity 11) do you watch any movies ____ tv? a) with b) on c) in d) above 12) don't disturb me, I ____ for an important exam a) am studying b) study c) studied d) studying 13) _____ you ever seen a castle ? a) are b) have c) do d) did


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
1- is
2- take
3- with your feet
4- is he 
5-  are
6- hungry
7- country
8- has
9- will
10- many
11- in
12- am studying
13- have 

oscardidier151: muchas gracias
Anónimo: no hay de que
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