• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: damaris1971
  • hace 9 años

20 oraciones con past simple y past perfect combinadas en ingles
porfa ayudemen es de urgencia gracias


Respuesta dada por: yurisvizcaino8
I traveled around your country last summer2. Yesterday I met your husband at the cinema3. He was the man who saved my life4. Did you see his face?5. We went by bus in that occasion6. I bought this car in January7. Suddenly, Tom appeared in my house and asked for his brother8. I didn’t think about that, sorry!9. Did she go to the Paris in the August of 2008?10. They didn’t do it11. It rained all night12. Where did you buy those chocolates?13. I´m sure he was there, I saw him14. When I was a child, I didn´t like horses15. Last year I went to Europe with my aunt16. I wrote a note for you, didn’t you see it?17. Paul didn’t study for the exam18. We were best friends during the school19. Did you see the new building in the centre?20. They didn’t believe him

damaris1971: gracias
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

20 oraciones con Pasado Simple y Pasado Perfecto

10 Oraciones en Pasado Simple.

1. I DID NOT FEEL well yesterday.

3. Peter NEEDED some money.

4. This morning I DIDN'T FIND my wallet.

5. Last Christmas Jenny MISSED the office party.

6. I GOT a promotion at work last week.

7. Yesterday afternoon the children BROKE their mother’s favorite picture, so when she arrived home she FELT disappointed and sad.

8. Last week Carlos HAD a toothache, so he TOKE a pill.

9. Two months ago Michelle DIDN'T KNOW how to drive a car, so she TOKE driving classes in an academy.

10. We DIDN'T HAVE plans for our holidays, so we WENT to a travel agents to check different possible destinations.

10 Oraciones en Pasado Perfecto.

1. I HAD MET you more everyday.

2. He HAD BEEN working on his project.

3. She HADN'T SLEPT more on the last week.

4. You HAD READ a lot of books.

5. They HADN'T STUDIED chemestry.

6. I HAD WAITED the bus for hours.

7. She HAD FOUND the secret of life.

8. He HAD WORKED by months.

9. It HAD COPIED all I had been saying.

10. She HADN'T FINISHED with her homework.

Ver más en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/405610

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