There are some bananas in the fridge
There are some tomatoes in the fridge
There's some milk in the fridge
There's some soda in the fridge
There's some pork in the fridge
There are some oranges in the fridge
There's some chicken in the fridge
There's some juice in the fridge
There are some eggs in the fridge
There's some fish in the fridge
There are some potatoes in the fridge
Ponle are a los que son mas de uno
yo como cereal con bananas en el desayuno
mi mamá le pone tomates a la ensalada
la leche viene de las vacas......
yo tomo soda pocas veces
me kmagino que pork es cerdito asi que....en navidad comemos cerdo asado
compramos jugo de naranja en el supermercado
hacemos pollo asado cuando visitamos. los abuelos
de jugo no se me ocurre nada
las gallinas ponen muchos huevos
el pescado lo hacemos frito
cocinamós papas con mantequilla