• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emiljoseromeroromero
  • hace 4 años

34 Excuse me____ is the T-shirt? It's £25.99.

a what expensive
b how much
c how many
d how price

35 She's only four but she__
a can read
b cans read
c can reads
d cans reads

36 This party is boring. We___
chave a good time

a dont have
b aren't having
c dont having
d aren't have

37 Sorry, I ____ you at the moment.

a can't help
b don't can help
c can't helping
d can't helps

38 I _____ my computer very often.

a am not using
b don't use
c doesn't use
d am not use

39 It's my mum's birthday next week. I_____ her a present

a buy
b buys
С am going to buy
d buying

40 What____do after school today?
a are you going to
b are you
c do you
d you


Respuesta dada por: Kenskiki
34: how much. 35: can read. 36: aren’t having. 37: can’t help. 38: don’t use. 39: am going to buy. 40: are you going to .
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