• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estefaniia1
  • hace 9 años

oraciones interrogativas negativas y positivas con los siguientes verbos taken up, useful, leadership, abroad, attend, picky, workshop


Respuesta dada por: bananotodd
No te preocupes por el tiempo del verbo, se puede jugar con eso.
aquí van:

He took up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather's tools
He didn't take up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather's tools
Did he take up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather's tools?

If you want to go to church, the bible becomes a very useful tool
If you don't want to go to church, the bible doesn't become a very useful tool
If you want to go to church, Does the bible become a very useful tool?

Mario is taking the lidership of the crew
Mario isn't taking the lidership of the crew?
Is mario taking the lidership of the crew?

I met many interesting people when I traveled abroad.
I did'nt meet many interesting people when I traveled abroad.
Did I meet many interesting people when I traveled abroad?

Edith attends church every Sunday.
Edith doesn't attend church every Sunday.
Does edith attend church every Sunday?

Linda is a very picky shopper
Linda isn't a very picky shopper
Is linda a very picky shopper?

(de hecho workshop hasta donde tengo entendido no es un verbo, pero aquí va)

The furniture maker was busy in his workshop
The furniture maker wasn't busy in his workshop
Was the furniture maker busy in his workshop?

Espero te sirvan ^^

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