10 = Ten.
Veinte = 20 = Twenty.
Treinta = 30 = Thirty.
Cuarenta = 40 = Forty.
Cincuenta = 50 = Fifty.
Setenta = 70 = Seventy
Ochenta = 80 = Eighty
Ochenta y uno = 81 = Eighty one.
Ochenta y dos = 82 =Eighty two.
Noventa = 90 = Ninety.
Cien = 100 = One hundred.
Ciento diez = 110 = One hundred and ten.
Ciento veinte = 120 = One hundred and twenty.
Ciento treinta = 130 = One hundred and thirty.
Ciento cuarenta = 140 = One hundred and fourty.
Ciento cincuenta = 150 = One hundred and fifty.
Ciento sesenta = 160 = One hundred and sixty.
Ciento setenta = 170 = One hundred and seventy.
Ciento ochenta = 180 = One hundred and eighty.
Ciento noventa = 190 = One hundred and ninety.
Doscientos = 200 = Two hundred.
Doscientos Diez = 210 = Two hundred and ten.
Trescientos = 300 = Three hundred.
Cuatrocientos = 400 = Four hundred.
Quinientos = 500 = Five hundred.
Seiscientos = 600 = Six hundred.
Setecientos = 700 = Seven hundred.
Ochocientos = 800 = Eight hundred.
Novecientos = 900 = Nine hundred.
1000 = One thousand.