• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emelie09agosto
  • hace 4 años

me ayudarian xfavor para mañana​



Respuesta dada por: Anónimo



1-. There's a zoo and a wildlife park near my home, but the wildlife park isn't open in winter.

2-. Don't use the DVD player, it's broken.

3-. Can you pass me my sunglasses, please? They're on the table.

4-. I've got a computer and a laptop, but I have to share the laptop with my brother.

5-. My sister is at the home. She's playing the guitar.

6-. My dad is a teacher and my mum is a doctor.

7-. There's a CD player in my room so I can lie in the bed and listen to the music.

8-. Do you want to go to the cinema this evening or watch the TV at the home?

Ojala te sirva! :)) y me podrias ayudar poniendome una coronita porfa??

emelie09agosto: te amo (^3^♪
emelie09agosto: xd muchas gracias
Anónimo: JAJJAAJA Dnd! :)))))
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