• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: facu35river
  • hace 4 años

Complete the sentences using FOR and SINCE and the present perfect or past simple.
· Billy isn’t very, he____________ (not eat) anything_______ three days.
· I___________ (be) in the school basketball team________ last Christmas.
· I__________ (play) basketball__________ several years at primary school too, before I started
· My grandpa____________ (be) a gardener_________ forty years, but he’s retired now.
· My grandparents_____________ (live) in their house__________ they got married.
· George____________ (be) with his new girlfriend__________ three months now.

★ Read each sentence and complete using the first and second conditional.
v If I________ (have) children when I’m older, I won’t live in a city.
v If I_________ (inherit) a lot of money, I’d buy a house in the mountains.
v I’d travel around the world if I__________ (win) a lot of money.
v If I can’t find a cheap flat, I __________ (stay) at home with my family.
v My brother ___________ (move) abroad if he could.
v I can save enough money, I ____________ (buy) an apartment.

★ Underline the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.
● How long did you stay/have you stayed in Paris when you were in France?
● My grandmother was/has been my best friend. I was really upset when she died last year.
● We haven't eaten anything since/for a long time.
● How long did you save/have you saved for your first trip abroad?
● My grandparents lived/ have lived in this house since 1960.

★ Complete the definitions.
0 A large building with many apartments.
an apartment block
1 A room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground.
a __________
2 A house joined to another house on one side.
a __________ house.
3 The structure that covers the top of a building.
a __________
4 It allows smoke from a fire to pass out of a building up into the air.
a __________

★ Correct the mistake in each sentence.
0 I wish I would earn more money in my current job.
I wish I earned more money in my current job________________
1 Do you ever wish you are a member of the opposite sex?
2 If you won't come tomorrow, you won't see all your friends.
3 I wish I would be able to sing like Paul.
4 He won't speak such good Spanish if he didn't have a Spanish girlfriend.

★ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter is given for you.
0 I attended a two-day first a i d course.
1 Be careful with this knife. You can c_ _ yourself easily.
2 When you get injured, the first thing you need to do is stop the b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ by applying some pressure to the wound.
3 The first s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of flu area runny nose, sore throat and a cough.
4 After the operation, the doctor put a b_ _ _ _ _ _ on my leg and I had it changed regularly.
5 I don't like long car journeys because I often feel s_ _ _ in the car.
6 A lot of people do not take a p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ until a headache becomes really bad.

★ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Use the past simple, past continuous or past perfect.
0 The dog bit (bite) the little girl and she started to cry.
1 Robert __________ (fall) off the ladder while he __________ (paint) his house.
2 When I got to school, I __________ (realise) that I __________ (forgot) my Biology homework.
3 What __________ (you/do) yesterday at five p.m.?
4 Anna didn't see the children. When she__________ (arrive), they __________ (go) to bed.
5 When I was a teenager, I __________ (spend) all my free time playing computer games.
★ Rewrite the sentences with used to where possible. If it is not possible write impossible.
0 I was very shy as a child.
I used to be very shy as a child.____
00 I hurt my back yesterday.
1 When I was younger I played football twice a week.
2 Hundreds of years ago people didn't live very long.
3 I visited him twice when we were in Paris.
4 Where did she work before?

Thank u!


Respuesta dada por: 4ndromeda
didn’t eat, for
have been, since
played, for
have been, for
have lived, since
have been, for

will stay
would move
will buy

have lived

bro... mañana te lo termino, es bastante y me estoy durmiendo.

facu35river: gracias brooo descansa, y mañana cuando terminas te doy las estrellas xd
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