• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 20180506
  • hace 4 años

Complete the dialogue whith the correct form of the verbs un parentheses

• ALEX: _______ You ________ (travel) by plane a Lot, Jane?

• JANE: Yes, but not as much as my dad, He's a Pilot! in fact he ______ (fly) to Germany right Now

• ALEX:________ your mom ever ______ (go) whith him?

• JANE: Not very often. She's usually too busy

•ALEX: I see. How's your brother, George?

•JANE: He's fine. He _______ (study) hard at the moment but sometimes on the weekends he _______ (play) soccer ​


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ALEX: Do You travel (travel) by plane a Lot, Jane?

• JANE: Yes, but not as much as my dad, He's a Pilot! in fact he is flying (fly) to Germany right Now

• ALEX: Does your mom ever go (go) whith him?

• JANE: Not very often. She's usually too busy

•ALEX: I see. How's your brother, George?

•JANE: He's fine. He studies (study) hard at the moment but sometimes on the weekends he plays (play) soccer ​

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