• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nachita1
  • hace 4 años

Activity: Write questions for these answers. Use the words in bold to help you
Example: No, he didn't play soccer. He was tired.
Did he play soccer?
a. All my friends went to the pop concert.
b. Aunt Carol bought pizza for us.
C. No, they didn't go to school on Saturday.
All of us stayed in a nice hotel at the beach.
e. No, I didn't. I went to bed really late.​

Necesito preguntas para cada oracion en ingles


Respuesta dada por: mapisbejarano


A. who went to the pop concert?

B. who bought pizaa for us?

C. did the students go to school on Saturday?

D. Where did you and your friends sleep when they went on a trip?

E. did you go to sleep at 8 pm after the party?


espero haberte ayudado ( coronita pliss)

nachita1: Muchas gracias
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