• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juan123747
  • hace 4 años

2. We__________to play computer games 25 years ago

a)were able to

b)weren’t able to

c)wasn’t able to

d)weren’t able

3. Sally has a great voice. She _____sing very well.

a)is able to

b)was able to

c)isn’t able to

d)is able

4. ____you _______ride a bike when you were a child?

a)Are/able to b)Were/able to

c)Were/able d)be able

5. I__________drive a car two years ago.

But now I______drive very well.

a) was able to/am able to

b) am able to/was able to

c) wasn’t able to/am able

d) wasn’t able to/am able to

6. If I study harder, I______ get a high mark.a)am able to b)will be able to

c)was able to d)were able to

7. A:____he_______swim well?


a) Is/able to/isn’t b)Was/able to/isn’t

c)Will/be able to/isn’t d)Is/able to/was

8-My mother_____cook delicious meals.

a)is able

b)able to

c)is able to

d)was able

9-We _______drive flying cars in the future.

a)are able to b)will be able to

c)were able to d)able to

11-When I was young,I_______ride a horse.

a) was able to

b) am able to

c) will be able to

d) can
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Respuesta dada por: elrincondelosidiomas


2. We weren't able to play computer games 25 years ago

a)were able to

b)weren’t able to

c)wasn’t able to

d)weren’t able

3. Sally has a great voice. She is able sing very well.

a)is able to

b)was able to

c)isn’t able to

d)is able

4. Were you able to ride a bike when you were a child?

a)Are/able to

b)Were/able to


d)be able

5. I wasn't able to drive a car two years ago.  But now I am able to drive very well.

a) was able to/am able to

b) am able to/was able to

c) wasn’t able to/am able

d) wasn’t able to/am able to

6. If I study harder, I will be able to get a high mark.

a)am able to

b)will be able to

c)was able to

d)were able to

7. A: Is he able to swim well?  B:No,he isn't.

a) Is/able to/isn’t

b)Was/able to/isn’t

c)Will/be able to/isn’t

d)Is/able to/was

8. My mother is able to cook delicious meals.

a)is able

b)able to

c)is able to

d)was able  

9-We will be able to drive flying cars in the future.

a)are able to

b)will be able to

c)were able to

d)able to

11-When I was young,I was able to ride a horse.

a) was able to

b) am able to

c) will be able to

d) can


Espero que te hayan quedado claras las respuestas y si tienes cualquier duda o algo que no entiendas, nos puedes preguntar.


Si quieres aprender o mejorar tu inglés, puedes unirte a las clases de nuestra academia. Te dejamos aquí el enlace a nuestra página web

(https:// elrincondeidiomas.wixsite. com/my-site).

Muchas gracias.

juan123747: Responde las siguientes
preguntas, según el texto dado.
1. Where did the Ghost of Christmas
Future take Scrooge to?
2. What did Scrooge promise?
3. What did Scrooge remember on
Christmas morning?
4. What did Scrooge do in the
5. What did he buy for
Bob Cratchit?
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