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que ofrece la biblioteca
que ofrece el salon de belleza
que ofrece el centro deportivo
que ofrece la clinica
respondan bn y les doy corona
y si no saben no contesten o si no los reporto
Respuesta: la biblioteca ofrece :A bookstore is a commercial establishment or store that is dedicated to the sale of books. ... Bookstores can also sell used books.
el salon de belleza ofrece:A beauty or aesthetic salon is a commercial establishment that offers its clients treatments for the beautification, conservation and hygiene of the skin, with the primary purpose of promoting the healthy image of its clients.
el centro deportivo ofrece:the practice and competition of one or more sports. They include the areas where sports activities take place, the different complementary spaces and those for auxiliary services.
la clinica ofrece:Prenatal care
Risk pregnancy care
Puerperal care
Family planning (oral gestagens, injectables, condoms and IUD)
Pregnancy test
PAP tests
Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid
Obstetric and gynecological ultrasound
Care in gynecological diseases and couple care
Referral of patients requiring hospital care
Scheduling and performing surgeries for patients who are referred to the hospital
Nutritional counseling and danger signs in pregnant women, childbirth and the puerperium