• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Animehelado3
  • hace 5 años

Ayudita porfa si porfa


araceliquiroga005: Hola!! si necesitas ayuda mandame msj por Instagram @hagotutarea.deingles y te ayudo!!


Respuesta dada por: samanthamonchis


1.-They are going to paint the house

The aren't going to paint the house

Are they going to paint the house?

2.-We are going to go to bed

We aren't going to go to bed

Are we going to go bed?

3.-It is going to rain

It isn't going to rain

Is it going to rain?

4.-She is going to have a bath

She isn't going to have a bath

Is she going to have a bath?

5.-You are going to play the piano

You aren't going to play the piano

Are you going to play the piano?

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