• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jolay2006
  • hace 5 años

¿Alguien me puede hacer un resumen de pandora´s box de 100 palabras?

Preferiblemente en ingles pero me vale en español.

selesol33: el cuento ?
selesol33: me lo mandas?
selesol33: por aqui
selesol33: y te lo traduzco amigo


Respuesta dada por: selesol33

According to the version of the poet Hesiod, the creation of the first woman is closely linked with the incident at Mecone. When mortals and immortals were separated, Prometheus concocted a deception so that, from now on, when humans sacrificed for the gods, they would only reserve their bones and be able to take advantage of the meat and viscera for themselves. Zeus, irritated by the act, denied the humans fire, but Prometheus, stealing it, restored it.

Zeus ordered Hephaestus to model an image with clay in the figure of a charming maiden, similar in beauty to the immortals, and breathe life into it. But, while Aphrodite was ordered to grant her grace and sensuality, and Athena to grant her mastery of the arts related to the loom and adorn her, along with Graces and Hours with various ornaments, Hermes was commissioned to sow lies, seduction and a fickle character. This, in order to configure a "beautiful evil", a gift such that men are happy to receive it, actually accepting a number of misfortunes.

The poems present the introduction of evils by Pandora in a different way. In the Theogony, the poet presents her as the first among women, who in themselves bring evil: henceforth, the man must choose to flee from marriage, in exchange for a life without material deficiencies, but without descendants to do so. take care of and maintain his property after his death; or to marry, and live constantly in hardship, running the risk of even finding a shameless woman, hopelessly wrong.

In Works and Days, Hesiod indicates that until then men had lived free from fatigue and disease, but Pandora opened an amphora containing all evils (the expression "Pandora's box" instead of jug or amphora is a Renaissance deformation) releasing all human misfortunes. The amphora was closed just before hope was released.3

In this latest version is when the name "Pandora" is mentioned for the first time, and her link with Epimetheus: Prometheus had warned her not to accept any gift from Zeus, otherwise a great misfortune would befall mortals. After an initial rejection that angered Zeus, he chains Prometheus in the Caucasus Mountains. Epimetheus ends up marrying Pandora, and very late realizes the cunning of the father of the gods.

Other versions of the myth relate that in reality the jar contained goods and not evils. The opening of the jar caused the goods to fly back to the mansions of the gods, withdrawing from the lives of men, who from now on only live afflicted by evils. The only thing they could keep from those goods is hope

amigo la caja de pandora no tiene 100 palabras  esto lo que lo encontre me meresco un gracias no?

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