'm sorry I had to send this to you but now that you have opened it you can't stopped reading this. Hi my name is Teresa Fidlago I died 27 years. If you don't send this to 20 people I will sleep by your side forever. If you don't believe me search me up. Teresa Fidlago. So send this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 20 days later. NO SEND BACKS!!!! #copied. Sorry I had to send this. Btw this is not fake search her up on ******. Someone send me this and i had to do the same, i’m taking no risk of ignoring this message tell me why this keeps happening. another grandma read this and sent it to 20 people but the internet went of on 19. She was found cut into 5 pieces after 1 day. Make sure you send all 20

mellamoana: sen mueren
Anónimo: ...
mellamoana: aslo rapidooo
Anónimo: no sabes escribir o que?
mellamoana: siiiiii
mellamoana: llamo a teresaaaaa
Anónimo: quien es Teresa?
mellamoana: yo estoy muerta soy niña muerta y cumplo 27 muertes la teresa me llevoooo
Anónimo: aya
anibalelguerre: piola skksjs


Respuesta dada por: vr349147




ycfrtv bnm b bm ,ujhm

Respuesta dada por: anibalelguerre


ke? ksksksj


no espiko inglish amigo skdkdkd

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