• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marcojose30
  • hace 5 años

La Revolución mexicana fue un conflicto armado que se inició en México el 20 de noviembre de 1910. Hoy suele ser referido como el acontecimiento político y social más importante del siglo XX en México.
Los antecedentes del conflicto se remontan a la situación de México bajo el Porfiriato. Desde 1876 el general oaxaqueño Porfirio Díazejerció el poder en el país de manera dictatorial. La situación se prolongó por 34 años, durante los cuales México experimentó un notable crecimiento económico y estabilidad política. Estos logros se realizaron con altos costos económicos y sociales, que pagaron los estratos menos favorecidos de la sociedad y la oposición política al régimen de Díaz. Durante la primera década del siglo XX estallaron varias crisis en diversas esferas de la vida nacional, que reflejaban el creciente descontento de algunos sectores con el Porfiriato.
Cuando Díaz aseguró en una entrevista que se retiraría al finalizar su mandato sin buscar la reelección, la situación política comenzó a agitarse. La oposición al Gobierno cobró relevancia ante la postura manifestada por Díaz. En ese contexto, Francisco I. Madero realizó diversas giras en el país con miras a formar un partido político que eligiera a sus candidatos en una asamblea nacional y compitiera en las elecciones. Díaz lanzó una nueva candidatura a la presidencia y Madero fue arrestado en San Luis Potosí por sedición. Durante su estancia en la cárcel se llevaron a cabo las elecciones que dieron el triunfo a Díaz.
Madero logró escapar de la prisión estatal y huyó a los Estados Unidos. Desde San Antonio (Texas) proclamó el Plan de San Luis, que llamaba a tomar las armas contra el Gobierno de Díaz el 20 de noviembre de 1910. El conflicto armado tuvo lugar en primera instancia al norte del país y posteriormente se expandió a otras partes del territorio nacional. Una vez que los sublevados ocuparon Ciudad Juárez(Chihuahua), Porfirio Díaz presentó su renuncia y se exilió en Francia.
traducir esto a ingles... pliss​


Respuesta dada por: geraldinebolano1


The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict that began in Mexico on November 20, 1910. Today it is often referred to as the most important political and social event of the 20th century in Mexico.

The antecedents of the conflict go back to the situation in Mexico under the Porfiriato. Since 1876 the Oaxacan general Porfirio Díaze exercised power in the country in a dictatorial manner. The situation lasted for 34 years, during which Mexico experienced remarkable economic growth and political stability. These achievements were made with high economic and social costs, which were paid by the less favored strata of society and by the political opposition to the Diaz regime. During the first decade of the 20th century, several crises broke out in various spheres of national life, reflecting the growing discontent of some sectors with the Porfiriato.

When Díaz assured in an interview that he would retire at the end of his term without seeking reelection, the political situation began to shake. The opposition to the government gained relevance given the position expressed by Díaz. In this context, Francisco I. Madero made several tours in the country with a view to forming a political party that would elect its candidates in a national assembly and compete in the elections. Díaz launched a new candidacy for the presidency and Madero was arrested in San Luis Potosí for sedition. During his stay in jail, the elections that gave Díaz victory were held.

Madero managed to escape from state prison and fled to the United States. From San Antonio (Texas) he proclaimed the Plan of San Luis, which called to take up arms against the Díaz government on November 20, 1910. The armed conflict took place in the first instance in the north of the country and later spread to other parts of the national territory. Once the rebels occupied Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), Porfirio Díaz submitted his resignation and went into exile in France.

Respuesta dada por: CaMiLaAnGeLiQuE


The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict that began in Mexico on November 20, 1910. Today it is often referred to as the most important political and social event of the 20th century in Mexico.

The antecedents of the conflict go back to the situation in Mexico under the Porfiriato. Since 1876 the Oaxacan general Porfirio Díaze exercised power in the country in a dictatorial manner. The situation lasted for 34 years, during which Mexico experienced remarkable economic growth and political stability. These achievements were made with high economic and social costs, which were paid by the less favored strata of society and by the political opposition to the Diaz regime. During the first decade of the 20th century, several crises broke out in various spheres of national life, reflecting the growing discontent of some sectors with the Porfiriato.

When Díaz assured in an interview that he would retire at the end of his term without seeking re-election, the political situation began to shake. Opposition to the government gained relevance given the position expressed by Díaz. In this context, Francisco I. Madero made several tours in the country with a view to forming a political party that would elect its candidates in a national assembly and compete in elections. Díaz launched a new candidacy for the presidency and Madero was arrested in San Luis Potosí for sedition. During his stay in prison, the elections that gave Díaz victory were held.

Madero managed to escape from state prison and fled to the United States. From San Antonio (Texas) he proclaimed the Plan of San Luis, which called for taking up arms against the Díaz government on November 20, 1910. The armed conflict took place in the first instance in the north of the country and later spread to other parts of the national territory. Once the rebels occupied Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), Porfirio Díaz presented his resignation and went into exile in france

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