• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elisakawii2006
  • hace 4 años

1. Listen and repeat. Then match the photos to eight of these types of movies.
action animation comedy documentary
fantasy historical horror martial arts
science fiction musical war western 1

2. Which words in exercise 1. are not in the photos? Think of a movie for each movie type.
Comedy - Night at the museum.

3. Read the sentences. What type of movies are they?
1. Joe likes cartoons. animations
2. I like adventures.
3. The songs in this movie are great
4. I like movies with information about animals, people and places.
5. I love stories about the past.
6. The aliens are cool.
7. There are werewolves and zombies.
8. Cowboy movies are my favorite.
9. It's really funny. There are a lot of jokes.
10. I love watching kung fu and karate movies


Respuesta dada por: walnor


pana yo no hablo Taka Taka,,,


pero espera que llamo a Johnny Suh, él es re bueno en inglés

elisakawii2006: que demonios necesito ayuda
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