• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paquitomunoz1010
  • hace 5 años

10. _____________________ (watch / he) the news regularly? 11. I _______________________ (study) on week days. 12. He __________________________(wear) a t-shirt and shorts today. 13. He _____________________(eat) an apple at the moment. 14. Marc _____________________(like) fruits and vegetables every morning. 15. He ___________________(eat) some every day. 16. Marc ______________________ (know) that apples are good for his health. 17. I _________________ (play) cricket right now. 18. I ______________ (play) cricket on Saturdays. 19. Silvia _______________ (cook) in the kitchen now. 20. Silvia _______________ (cook) for her father on Sundays.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


10 Does he watch the news regularly?

11 I study on week days

12 He is wearing a t- shirt and shorts today

13 He is eating an apple at the moment

14 Marc likes fruits and vegetables every morning

15 He eats some everyday

16 Marc knows that apples are good for his health

17 I am playing cricket right now

18 I play cricket on Saturdays

19 Silvia is cooking in the kitchen now

20 Silvia cooks for her father on Sundays.


El presente Simple indica situaciones habituales. Se refiere a la rutina diaria. Algunas expresiones de tiempo son:

Regularly - regularmente

on week days - de Lunes a Viernes

every morning - todas las mañanas

everyday - todos los días

on Saturday - los sábados

El presente Continuo indica hechos u acciones que están ocurriendo al momento.

Today - hoy

at the moment - al momento

Now - ahora

Right now - justo ahora

zamirflin: wow
zamirflin: genia
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