• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: UsuariaBrainly
  • hace 4 años

The present perfect tense can be used to talk about past actions with no specific time of the action. The structure of a sentence is:
Subject + have/has + verb in past participle + complement. Remember:
• The past participle of regular verbs ends in ed. I.e. played, cooked
● The past participle of irregular verbs has different forms: I.e. gone, seen
● You can use the Time Adverbs: Yet (until now), already (earlier than expected), just (a very short time ago), never (not at any time before)
I have just seen the new movie He has never been to Quito. We haven’t done the homework yet.
2. Read the sentences below and decide if they are True (T) or False (F) for you.
a. I have watched more than 20 movies in my life. T F
b. My family and I have gone to the movie theater. T F
c. My best friend has seen more movies than me. T F
d. I haven’t heard of any Ecuadorian movies. T F
e. My family and I have watched many movies at home during the pandemic. T F

3. Now write ten sentences about things that you and other people you know have done during the pandemic. Use the present perfect.
a. I ____________________________________
b. My best friend ____________________________
c. My family and I ___________________________


Respuesta dada por: jhonbazurto264


espero y te sirva


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