• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fanyrosillop
  • hace 5 años

an example of p hysical violence is​


Respuesta dada por: bermeokenya326


Examples of physical violence

Some examples of physical violence can be:

°Beatings, assaults with melee weapons, run over by vehicles or physical assaults of any kind.

°Shooting with a firearm.

Rapes (non-consensual sexual acts), regardless of the sex or sexual orientation of both victim and perpetrator.

°Physical punishments that inflict pain, bodily suffering or that cause health problems.

Psychological violence.

°By psychological violence is understood a set of conducts or behaviors destined to cause in others some type of emotional or psychic suffering, constituting acts of true psychological aggression.

These acts, intentional or not, reduce the victim, violate their self-esteem or subject them to derision, humiliation or other forms of non-physical suffering, that is, without actually harming the victim's body. If it becomes recurrent, psychological violence can turn into psychological abuse.

This type of violence can be:

Active. For example, a person insults, diminishes or attacks another emotionally and psychologically.

Passive For example, one person withdraws attention from the other, especially when it requires it, or subjects it to emotional abandonment.

In both cases, psychological violence can be an announcement of physical violence, especially in relationships or family relationships, whether it occurs as part of an untimely reaction or driven by alcohol or other substances.

Verbal violence

Verbal violence is the name given to aggression against another person through language, that is, uttering profanity, obscene or insulting words, or referring to the other person in degrading terms, aimed at lowering their self-esteem, humiliating them or exposing them to third parties .

It is often difficult to determine and discern from a simple conflict between two people, but if it becomes recurrent it can lead to verbal abuse, especially in relationships, family or work.

Verbal violence usually accompanies psychological violence and physical violence, but it may well occur without ever physical contact or emotional implications between people. For example, it is exercised when two strangers who insult each other from their respective cars after almost colliding with each other.

Sexual violence

When we speak of sexual violence, we refer to sexual abuse, that is, to non-consensual, forced or imposed sexual relations on the other. It also applies to sexual practices that are humiliating, humiliating, or that cause physical ailment or risk to life, even if carried out between consenting adults.

This type of violent actions can be carried out with the body itself or with objects. They can occur within or outside of an emotional or family relationship, and are often accompanied by other forms of abuse, such as psychological, verbal and emotional.

The mistreatment of women, or of homosexuals or transgenders is also a form of sexual violence, which is usually accompanied by “corrective” violations (especially in the case of homosexuals) or humiliation, derision and other forms of emotional trauma , Physical and psychological.


Ejemplos de violencia física

Algunos ejemplos de violencia física pueden ser:

°Golpizas, asaltos con armas de cuerpo a cuerpo, arrollamientos con vehículos o agresiones físicas de cualquier tipo.

°Disparos con arma de fuego.

Violaciones (actos sexuales no consentidos), sin importar el sexo o la orientación sexual de tanto víctima como victimario.

°Castigos físicos que infringen dolor, sufrimiento corporal o que causan malestares de salud.

Violencia psicológica

°Por violencia psicológica se comprende un conjunto de conductas o comportamientos destinados a ocasionar en otros algún tipo de sufrimiento emocional o psíquico, constituyendo actos de verdadera agresión psicológica.

Estos actos, intencionados o no, reducen a la víctima, vulneran su autoestima o la someten a escarnio, humillación u otras formas de sufrimiento no físico, es decir, sin llegar a lastimar el cuerpo de la víctima. De hacerse recurrente, la violencia psicológica puede devenir en el maltrato psicológico.

Este tipo de violencia puede ser:

Activa. Por ejemplo, una persona insulta, disminuye o agrede emocional y psicológicamente a otra.

Pasiva. Por ejemplo, una persona le retira atención a la otra, especialmente cuando requiere de ella, o la somete a abandono emocional.

En ambos casos, la violencia psicológica puede ser un anuncio de la violencia física, especialmente en relaciones de pareja o relaciones familiares, ya sea que se dé como parte de una reacción intempestiva o impulsada por el alcohol u otras sustancias.

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