• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: omarallauca1f
  • hace 5 años

10 preguntas y respuestas en ingles sobre los meses del año
porfa nesesito rapido

Alinna4373: What month is your birthday?
- My birthday is in January.
Which are the winter months?
- They are December, January and February.
Which are the summer months?
- They are June, July and August.
What are the autumn months?
- They are September, October and November.
What are the spring months?
- They are March, April and May.


Respuesta dada por: kevin1393


pero son los meses del año escribirlps en ingles

Respuesta dada por: Jsfd233

Una pregunta relacionado con los meses en ingles sería What month is your birthday? y como respuesta sería my birthday is on December.

Preguntas y respuestas sobre los meses

  • Which are the winter months?

They are December, January and February.

  • What month is christmas?

Christmas is on December.

  • Which are the summer months?

They are June, July and August.

  • What month on halloween?

Halloween is on Octobre.

  • What are the autumn months?

They are September, October and November.

  • What are the spring months?

They are March, April and May.

  • When is your friend's birthday?

Mariana's birthday is on August.

Conoce más sobre los meses aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/1163416


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