• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carloscardona00
  • hace 5 años

write the sentence in passive voice using the present simple tense

ayudaaaaaaa plis doy 20 puntos y mejor respuesta​



Respuesta dada por: espinozapesantezjule


The boy is picked up by her mother every day. ...

The wall has been painted blue. ...

A lie was told by someone in this room. ...

The book was written by his grandmother


carloscardona00: y el resto?
Respuesta dada por: grandacris2008

Usamos la pasiva cuando queremos que la frase se centre en el objeto más que en el sujeto, como es lo habitual. El sujeto es el elemento que realiza la acción, y el objeto, el que se ve afectado por dicha acción.

Resolver el ejercicio:

  1. The documents are printed in the secretary.
  2. The door is closed by the cleaner.
  3. The trainers are bought by sportspeople.
  4. The bike is mended in the garage.
  5. The letters are delivered by the postman.
  6. Newspaper are read by many people.
  7. Mil is drunk by her cats every evening.
  8. Bags are sold in these shops.
  9. E-mails are written by managers every evening.
  10. Our grandparents are visited by me every Sunday.


carloscardona00: usted si sabeee
grandacris2008: Si
grandacris2008: Lo se porque los digo en mi perfil en la aplicación Brainly;)
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