• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jrksr
  • hace 5 años

3) Correct the sentences. Corrige los errores de las oraciones)
A. He don't lives in New York. He lives don t in new york
B. They doesn't works in an office.
C. My sister Susan don't kisses my mother every morning.
D. They doesn't does their exercises every day.
E. Tom and Mike don't study every afternoon.
F. The concert don't starts at nine.
G.We doesn't does the shopping every Saturday.
H. My grandmother don't likes chocolate ice creams. alguien me puede ayudar porfa(?????????????​


Respuesta dada por: sofi3863


he doesnt live in New york

they dont work in an office

my Sister doesnt kiss my Mother...

they dont do their...

T and M doesnt study...

the concert doesnt start...

we dont do shopping...

my grandma doesnt like...

jrksr: como pudiste corregir las oraciones??
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