• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: didieryamil77
  • hace 5 años

Complete the sentence using those, these, that and this.
1. Which one should I choose,_____
dress or that one?
2. And look at____
birds in the background, they look so real
they could fly away!
3.____is what I will do: I'll ask my father.
4. The scene is set in the 1800s, people were so poor in______ days.
5. You're right____`s they Best thing yo do when You haber a
decision to make
6. Look at_____
little children here, on the left. They really
look poor!
7. Hey, Dad, what do you think of_____
8. He is so realistic!______
is why I love his painting.
9. Are you joking? You can't buy______
awful piece of clothes
10. I have just bought______
painting by K. Centeno.​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 this

2 those

3 This

4 those

5 that

6 those

7 this

8 That

9 these

10 this


This - este - esto... Adjetivo demostrativo para objeto que esté cerca

That - aquel - aquello - Adjetivo para objeto que esté lejos

These - estos - estas. Objetos cercanos

Those - aquellos - aquellas. Cuando los objetos están lejos

didieryamil77: gracias ahorita pongo otra en mi perfil voy a dar más puntos
didieryamil77: ahorita te doy corona
didieryamil77: vales mil
didieryamil77: ya la puse
didieryamil77: por si me ayudas ya está en mi perfil
didieryamil77: plis
didieryamil77: por favor
didieryamil77: no te puedo poner corona en esta pregunta
didieryamil77: no me aparece
didieryamil77: ayuda por favor
Respuesta dada por: picogamer01

Complete the sentence using those, these, that and this.


1. Which one should I choose, this dress or that one?

2. And look at the birds in the background, they look so real

they could fly away!

3.that is what I will do: I'll ask my father.

4. The scene is set in the 1800s, people were so poor in those days.

5. You're right there`s they Best thing yo do when You haber decision to make

6. Look at that little children here, on the left. They really

look poor!

7. Hey, Dad, what do you think of this dress?

8. He is so realistic! That is why I love his painting.

9. Are you joking? You can't buy this awful piece of clothes

10. I have just bought this painting by K. Centeno.​

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