• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zozadeleon14
  • hace 5 años

answer to these questions
Is there a new stove in the kitchen room?
Yes, there is a new stove in the kitchen room
No, there is not a new stove in the kitchen room
Are there new beds in the bedroom?
Yes, there are new beds in the bedroom
No, there are not now beds in the bedroom
a refrigerator in the dining room?
15 Write an affirmative answer and a negative​


Respuesta dada por: crystalstudio04




Is there a refrigerator in the dining room?

Yes, there is a refrigerator in the dining room.

No, there isn't a refrigerator in the dining room.

Espero que te sirva :)

zozadeleon14: si revisa mi perfil
crystalstudio04: Si ya la acabo de ver.
zozadeleon14: ok
crystalstudio04: Bye! Creo que será mejor que hagas tu tarea, malo sea que te echen la bronca.
zozadeleon14: si bye
zozadeleon14: estaras conectada mañana asi hablamos aqui mismo
crystalstudio04: Si, todos los días, menos cuando estoy ocupada.
zozadeleon14: ok nos vemos
zozadeleon14: bye
crystalstudio04: Chao
Respuesta dada por: arelysoriano1391


ya lo entregaste........

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