• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: diranisegovianovalti
  • hace 5 años

Complete the sentences using must, have to or should.

Fill in the blanks: Remember that “fill in the blanks” activities need a word or phrase to complete the meaning of a sentence.

1. You ............................. drink and drive. (negative)

2. You ............................. remember your documentation is full and in order.

3. You ............................. come if you are not feeling well. (negative)

4. You ............................. go there with the light off. You can get hurt. (negative)

5. If you want to lose weight, you ............................. eat junk food, white bread or fried stuff. (negative)

6. It's ok. You ............................. come to Dany’s birthday party if you don't want to. (negative)

7. Look at the fire! You ............................. play with matches! (negative)

8. You make a great couple. Maybe you ............................. ask her to marry you.

9. Today’s weather looks great. We ............................. go on a picnic.

10. You ............................. take life so seriously. Relax a bit. (negative)


Respuesta dada por: kamilaesteche


el 1 es me lavo las manos escribi me lavo en english may lav

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