• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ap7350273
  • hace 5 años

necesito a comodar x favor ​



Respuesta dada por: andrea23aguilera


1. He is playing wolleyball today.

2. You are driving too fast.

3. Mary is playing the guitar at the moment.

4. It is raining right now.

5. I am watching TV with my boyfriend.

6. We are having lunch all together.

7. He is drinking to much wine.

8. You are going home after work

9. He is in class studying French/ He is in this French class studying.

10. You are cooking a pumpkin pie.


Espero te haya servido

ap7350273: gracias bro
ap7350273: ahí perdón eres mujer una disculpa
andrea23aguilera: lol
andrea23aguilera: de nada
ap7350273: este por último y si sigues ahí por favor me podrías dar un ejemplo de cómo serían e interrogativas
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