• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aMAury3328
  • hace 5 años

me ayudan urgente , esta bien lo que puse?

1.- My keys / on the table?

are, is
(affirmative) YES, THEY ARE
(negative) - NO, THEY ARE NOT

Are not
if they are

1. you / on the phone. Are you on the phone?
no this
2. your dad / at work. Is your dad at work?
if it works
- does not work
3. John / a policeman. John is a cop?
if it is police
she is not a police officer
4. I am a student. You are a student?
if you are a student
not a student
5. elephants / large. Elephants are big?
if its big
it's not big
6. you / happy. Are you happy?
yes he is happy
she is not happy


Respuesta dada por: miluramello


1. you / on the phone.

Are you on the phone?

yes, you are

no, you aren't

2. your dad / at work.

Is your dad at work?

yes, he is

no, he isn't

3. John / a policeman.

Is John a policeman?

yes, he is

no, he isn't

4. I am a student.

are you a student?

yes, you are

no, you aren't

5. elephants / large.

are elephants large?

yes, they are

no, they aren't

6. you / happy.

Are you happy?

yes, you are

no, you aren't

miluramello: por lo que entendi, habia que formular la pregunta y despues responder en afirmativo y negativo. espero te ayude
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