• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tabhissilva2008
  • hace 5 años

porfavor nesesito ayuda :v



Respuesta dada por: shanialun


Okey, ahi es

My name is Adam, and this is Matsuko. She is from Japan.

Hello, Adam I am Carlos, and these are my friends Mary and Peter.

Are you from Tokyo, Matsuko?

No, I am from Sapporo, Where are you from?

We are from Spain. Peter and i are from Santander, and Mary are from Zaragoza. Are you in holiday in England?

No, i am not. I am a student at a university in London, What about you?

Well, we are students too, but not at university. We are at language school.

Te lo deje completo, saludos u.u

shanialun: En la parte de Mary me equivoque, es and Mary is from Zaragoza
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