• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aaathalia7
  • hace 5 años

1. El siguiente texto está en presente simple, de acuerdo a la anterior información, pásalo al presente
Relationships (relaciones)
Renata walks into the restaurant. She sees her boyfriend Diego sitting at a table near the window and smilest He
sees her and gets up. They hug and sit down. They call the waiter and order two glasses of wine. He looks
nervous and begins to talk. "Look, I know this is awkward but let me..." but Renata interrupts him.

"You don't have to tell me. I know how you feel. I was so excited when you called to invite me to lunch. I have
missed you too. Not seeing each other for a couple of months was the best thing for our relationship. I realize
now that you are the one for me. Let's forget the past. Things will be different from now on, I promise you."

Diego takes a deep breath and takes a sip of wine. "Actually, I invited you to lunch because I didn't want to tell
you over the phone. I'm sorry but I have met someone else".

2. Por cada miembro de tu familia, elige 1 verbo que hayas encontrado en la anterior lectura y realiza 1 frase u
oración en inglés y traducela al español

3. Completa las siguientes frases con la forma del presente continuo de los verbos entre paréntesis:
1-i am learning Italian (learn)

2- Jonathan_________a horror movie (watch).

3- The children________in the park (play)

4- Carla__________about her work (talk)

5- You_______the right words (use)

6- Wendy and Mark________
married next month (get)

7- The students_______rude (be).​


Respuesta dada por: pukypukyto


3. Completa las siguientes frases con la forma del presente continuo de los verbos entre paréntesis:

1-i am learning Italian (learn)

2- Jonathan______WATCHING___a horror movie (watch).

3- The children___PLAYING_____in the park (play)

4- Carla_____TALKING_____about her work (talk)

5- You___USING____the right words (use)

6- Wendy and Mark____GETTING____

married next month (get)

7- The students___ARE____rude (be).​


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