• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alejair321
  • hace 5 años

oraciones con los siguientes verbos irregulares:be,begin,break,bring,build,run,buy,can,catch,choose,read,say,cut,do,dream,drink,drive,eat,fall,feel


Respuesta dada por: eeyhayaaat
Be : Just be your self and act normal
Begin : What time does the show begin?
Break: Samantha broke her pen
Bring: I forgot to bring my notebook to class
Build: They are building a new hotel next to the park
Run: Yesterday a I ran all afternoon
Buy: My mother bought my favorite chips
Can : I can make my homework with Lila
Catch: Let’s play to catch the ball
Choose : They choose Joe to be on their team
Read : I want to start reading a new book
Say: What was the teacher saying? I wasn’t listening
Cut: Elizabeth cut her hair without help
Do: I didn’t do my assignment
Dream : You we’re having nightmares. what was you dream about?
Drink: I prefer to drink Coca Cola over Fanta
Drive: I still can not drive until I have 18
Eat: Me and Charli ate together at Fosters Hollywood
Fall: That boy fell down the stairs
Feel: I don’t feel good I think I’m going home.

Nose si estará alguna mal pero espero que te sirvan :)
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