• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: normmujeri7n
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones conbe allowed toletnot be allowed to


Respuesta dada por: Pekitaz11
We are not allowed to give any legal or tax advice.

The author was not allowed to telephone her daughter.
He was not allowed to appoint a lawyer of his choice.

Military personnel are not allowed to receive orders from national governments, including their own. 
She was not allowed to speak with him; just get a glimpse of him.

Private citizens are allowed to import two firearms per year, but must have the appropriate authorisations in advance.

Detainees are allowed to contact their families and others and to meet their visitors.

They allowed heto speak to José Carlos for five minutes, she was accompanied by an agent and she was told not to ask him any questions.

It is not allowed to overwrite an existing file by unzipping a file.

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