• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: grestrepoayala
  • hace 5 años

oraciones para aplicar (was o were) 1)we. to cartagena last year 2) I. taking a taxi from the airport yo te city Center. 3)they. playing the piano last nigth 4)You. trading the newspaper yesterday 5)she. walking yo the park 6)he. enjoying the concert last nigth 7) they. ay the zoo yesterday 8)the man un the shop. buying something 9) You bulding a house un the city last year 10)se rating fruits al the supermarket ​


Respuesta dada por: joaomarce18


1 were

2 was

3 were

4 were

5 was

6 was  

7 were

8 was

9 were

10 was

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