• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estibiesteban
  • hace 5 años

ayudaaaa por favor ​



Respuesta dada por: valetesvill56


1: B. no there was a bakery and a small store

A:was there any Italian restaurants? I love pizza!

B: no there wasn't , but there was a cafe

and there were two restaurants!

2: A: there was a huge TV in our room !

B: wow! there was a swimming pool?

A: yes they were two and there was a fantastic gym

B: there was a good restaurant in the hotel?

A:yes , the food was delicious!

3:A:there were a very old castle in the town I lived in as a child people said there were a secret room in it .

B: really ? there were

A: yes , there was

suddenly was there

4: B: there were some cool sweaters

A:were there any jeans?

B: yes there were but there wasn't any in my size

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